A view into the (slightly) warped inner-workings, inner-ramblings, and otherwise useless blabber that constantly goes on in my head.
Blogspot left room for a second Header, but they didn't leave enough room to type everything I wan
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
There are two very important people in my life that I owe some time and attention. To many people or reader(s) out there, this might not mean a lot. But to the two most important people in my life, I made a couple of pictures for you. I love you.
I'm just a no-name on the blogging scene. Going to put my thoughts down on (virtual) paper. Going to try to do it regularly. You might find it funny. You might be able to relate. You might be able to feel good about yourself, after reading what's going on in the head of someone else. Glad I can help.
Basic Bio: I'm early 30ish, married to the perfect girl, with an amazing son, and two mostly awesome siberian huskies. Got my undergrad from VT and hence the name. I'm an enginerd in real life, so I won't spout work crap here, unless it's borderline TMI funny stuff. See what I did there?
It should be noted that, yes, I realize you'll sometimes see conversations between me and my brain. I am by no means stealing the idea from BRK. If you know who BRK is, you know what I'm talking about. It's just that, the way he writes about him and his brain, is, well, the way I think sometimes. So please, consider my occasional inner-head conversation, and the way I display it here, a tribute to BRK. Well said Jay. Thanks. /end disclaimer
Priorities: You're doing it right :)
ReplyDeleteAw, more power to ya. Also, what Cap'n John said. :)
ReplyDeleteThe people you love should always come first. Enjoy your time in the world (not of warcraft).